Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Assessment of Research

            Chapter twelve is about research assessment which is critical to ensure the well being of business education, its practitioners, and their constituencies.  It is the quality control process that should determine which curricular and teaching practices are sound and subsequently implemented by business education professionals for the benefit of others.  In this chapter, understanding research, assessing business education research, and implementing business education research findings is discussed.
            Research serves as the foundation of the business education profession by offering information and guidance about many topics.  It is the foundation of a viable, thriving professional community.  It also develops the knowledge base, enhances teaching, facilitates real-world application, and strengthens the discipline and the researcher’s perceived image.  Research assessment seeks reliable and valid meanings and is the critical evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of research.  Scientifically-based research is evidence-based practice.  It is the application of rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge relevant to education activities and programs.  It is required for all federally funded programs under the No Child Left Behind Act.  It also seeks to improve education and to develop a knowledge base about what actually works.
            There are many business education resources that educators are able to use.  The Business Education Index is an invaluable research tool when following research about a topic over a number of years.  There are also many databases that can be used to retrieve relevant literature.  Another type of literature is fugitive literature which is challenging to secure.  Many of the periodicals are not indexed in print or electronic form and can be found only if one personally knows about them and where they can be located.
            Business educators should assess business education research by understanding research assessment procedures commonality for all types of business educators, evaluating research outlets, understanding the research cycle, and evaluating research study components.  After the research is done, business education research findings should be implemented at various instructional levels.  Research findings enhance the quality of the instruction that they deliver to diverse audiences at various instructional levels.

Scott, J. C. & Blaszczynski, C. (2007). Assessment of Research. In M.L. Bush (Ed.), Assessment for an Evolving Business Education Curriculum (pp. 159-171). Reston, VA: National Business Education Association

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